Welcome to the home page of the Chemistry Department at the Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT). This page will provide you information about our staff, students, research, facilities, courses and curriculum. The Chemistry Department DeKUT was established to spearhead teaching and research in chemistry, to carry out research in industrial application in line with vision 2030. We have about 6 full-time academic and 3 permanent support staff.
What is chemistry?
Chemistry is the study of the composition, properties and reactions of matter. Studies in chemistry range from the bulk behaviour of matter, down to the interactions of its atoms and molecules. Chemistry is a central discipline whose interfaces range from physics to computers to biology to medicine, drugs, nanotechnology, new materials, and the environment. It is true to say that almost every facet of life is dependent on chemical processes of one form or another. Chemical reactions have been harnessed by man to produce a wide variety of substances that our daily lives are dependent on, e.g., synthetic materials, pharmaceuticals, plastics, paints, dyes, metals and alloys, some of which display the most remarkable properties. Chemical processes such as combustion are the source of power for transport and electricity generation. Modern-day life would be difficult to imagine without its vast array of chemical products.
But, most importantly, it is just so fascinating! If you want to understand the workings of the world around you – then chemistry is for you!